Feature Piece + Front Cover
Feature Piece + Front Cover
Editor's Letter, Credits, and By The Numbers
Editor's Letter, Credits, and By The Numbers
Editorial Piece
Editorial Piece
Spectrum Magazine served as a second-year student project at Woodbury University, focusing on typography conventions, typesetting, and content layout using Adobe InDesign. The topic chosen for my publication is the LGBTQ+ community, which, as my title demonstrates, has a wide spectrum. All photographic and written content have been sourced from the internet, except for the editorial piece, which I conducted an interview for, as well as photographed, in honor of my FTM (Female to Male) transgender friend Marshall. In addition, for the purpose of filling in space, certain interviews in this magazine have been pieced with numerous random interviews, which may explain the lack of sense of the text. The final output for this magazine was a physical print, but a digitized version of it has been included for your above for your enjoyment.
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